Recently my wife and I made a response to your web site for a loan rate on our home. Within 20 minutes Wichita's Group Senior Loan Officer Michael J. Lorimor set an appointment for the very next day.
That day we filled out most of the paperwork and set a closing date.
But, because of a death in my wife's family we were called to Arizona, 1350 miles from Wichita. We thought our deal & closing would be on hold for 3 weeks.
While in Arizona, lots of extra effort from Michael J Lorimor, the use of fax machines, emails, and most of all personal calls for updates lots of extras in this deal.
Adversity like nothing else can expose our weakness or reveal our true strength. Michaels integrity and standards of excellence should be known to his company.
P.S. We got a GREAT loan! Thanks!